Grand Tjokro Balikpapan Jobs News 2017

Hotelier Indonesia

Grand Tjokro Balikpapan Jobs News 2017

The 4-star Grand TjokroBalikpapan Hotel in Balikpapan occupies a strategic location only one kilometer from Sepinggan Airport and alongside the major business district in this seaport city on the east coast of the island of Borneo, this hotel for business travelers in Balikpapan also offers a full range of services and facilities for couples and families enjoying a city break In the heart of this lively city.

In addition to the extensive facilities for business travelers and for large and small meetings and events, the hotel also caters to travelers seeking the highest levels of relaxation and comfort, featuring a swimming pool, fitness center, spa and massage area, as well as superior quality dining options and free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel. Book now on the official website of Grand Tjokro Hotels.

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