Asri Jewel Villas and Spa in Ungasan are looking for staff:

Hotelier Indonesia

Asri Jewel Villas and Spa in Ungasan are looking for staff:

  • 1. Cook
  • 2. Spa Therapist
  • 3. Gardener
  • 1. Have same back ground or at least have been work or training in the same field.
  • 2. Fresh Graduated are welcome 
  • 3. Young and Enthusiastic person
  • 4. Good team player and able to work alone
  • 5. Healthy and good attitude
Please send CV to: attn. Ibu Ika Dewi or come for walking interview Senin - Jumat (09:30 - 15:00)
Address: Jalan Goa Gong Banjar Santhi Karya, Ungasan (0361-8482000 / 03)

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