PT Aerofood Indonesia (Industrial Division) - Garuda Indonesia Group.

Hotelier Indonesia

PT Aerofood Indonesia (Industrial Division) - Garuda Indonesia Group.

Aerofood ACS has made his name synonymous with premium catering service in the oil, mining and gas, town catering, as well as health care and wellness industry.

At present, we cater to more than 1 million staff meals for more than 20 customers from the above industries with a broad spectrum of integrated services, from the running onsite canteen and housekeeping, to maintenance and laundry for both the mining camps and offshore dormitories.

Aside from preparing nutritious meals with the highest safety standards, our industrial catering division also provides consultancy service to assist with the construction of the hospital kitchens to ensure all safety and health requirements are met.

Membutuhkan karyawan untuk menempati posisi:

*1. Chef / Sous Chef*

  • SMK sederajat dengan pengalaman min. 4 thn sebagai sous chef atau Diploma Jasa Boga dengan pengalaman min. 2 thn sebagai sous chef di perusahaan catering, hotel atau restoran
  • Menguasai masakan western, oriental & Indonesian food
  • Memahami sistem keamanan Pangan dan pengendalian food cost
  • Kreatif dan memiliki passion yg tinggi di bidang culinary
  • Good teamwork and leadership.

*2. Senior Cook*

  • Min. SMK sederajat
  • Pengalaman sebagai commis 1 di perusahaan catering, hotel atau restoran
  • Good attitude and teamwork

*3. Junior Cook*

  • Min. SMK sederajat
  • Fresh graduate atau diutamakan pengalaman sebagai commis 3 di perusahaan catering, hotel atau restoran
  • Good attitude and teamwork

*Penempatan untuk Area Jakarta, Bekasi, Cikarang, Karawang, Tangerang dan Cilegon*.

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